Friday, April 10, 2009

Out of Character Comments

Please use this space to leave out of character comments. From time to time I may use this post space to discuss rules or organizational issues. The original notes published here have been removed and may return in a more finished form later.

The first issue worth discussing is format and pacing. Once ramped up to full speed I would like to have a new blog post each weekend with periodic updates on a daily basis in the comments section. I'd like to try to cover a scene a week so when possible we should try to wrap up the current scene by the following weekend. Players should use the comments section to explain there character's actions and speech. In character discussion between players should occur in the comments. Once the situation arises we will need a method to distinguish between in character and out of character texts. For now, out of character comments can be placed here. For more complex situations such as combat I may create a second post for the out of character comments for that scene.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These are just the beginning notes I was trying scratch out for how to handle simple rules that contain some elements from AD&D & BD&D in a simpler format like that found in some more odern or indie games. I have a particular interest in the Over the Edge ruleset because of the terse yet open way in which characters are described. however I appreciate that a large amount of the niche protection of D&D comes out of the rules restriction and interplay of the mechanical elements. For now we won't have any magic which should keep things a lot simpler but I'd like to still be able to come up with an efficient way to distinguish between the abilities of a bard and a ranger in the case of our developing game.

  3. Frankly if my players feel more comfortable using straight-up 1st ed AD&D rules I'm okay with that but if I could have things my way I'd choose a much looser OTE-like d20 Lite. One thing that d20 fails to do well though is to provide degrees of success by any other method than hit points and damage, although I understand that 4E has embraced hit points as a sort of universal degree of success meter. Perhaps that is a good thing but surely the variable damage dice can be dropped. If the damage were computed directly from the d20 roll then it would become a standard degree of success mechanic.

  4. Have you had any problems using either the rss feed or the comment system? If so, please let me know. I had difficulty adding a comment in firefox last night and had to use Chrome to get it to stick.

  5. no, i haven't had any problems like that. i use firefox and everything's been posting ok.

  6. I've been away from this for quite a while but I am back and mulling over the last few posts and comments to try to get back on track.

  7. While you're waiting for the next comment you could work on statting up Gavin. Here's the info I'd like for starters:


    Assign each of the scores below to one of the six Abilities:

    Score Modifier
    10 0
    11 0
    12 +1
    13 +1
    14 +2
    15 +2

    These are the stat bonuses from 3rd ed. and later.

  8. An interesting link describing major differences in the various version of D&D:

  9. I've posted the first part of the next post just to get it out there. I'll try to add more shortly but you should feel free to interrupt with a question or comment if you care to.

  10. Going forward there will be some name changes to remove some of the D&D and Forgotten Realms branding from the blog. I haven't decided on what all the replacements will be but I will try to introduce them as they come up. I've already started to introduce a few, referring the Moonshae as the Misty Isles and Mintarn as the White Isles, for instance. At some point soon I will add an Encyclopedia-style blog post which will allow me to add new entries for the names of people and places that have been mentioned so far or will come up in the future.
