Friday, April 10, 2009

Out of Character Comments

Please use this space to leave out of character comments. From time to time I may use this post space to discuss rules or organizational issues. The original notes published here have been removed and may return in a more finished form later.

The first issue worth discussing is format and pacing. Once ramped up to full speed I would like to have a new blog post each weekend with periodic updates on a daily basis in the comments section. I'd like to try to cover a scene a week so when possible we should try to wrap up the current scene by the following weekend. Players should use the comments section to explain there character's actions and speech. In character discussion between players should occur in the comments. Once the situation arises we will need a method to distinguish between in character and out of character texts. For now, out of character comments can be placed here. For more complex situations such as combat I may create a second post for the out of character comments for that scene.